On Tuesday, January 12, Haiti was hit with a devastating 7.0 magnitude earthquake, which officials believe, has left over 100,000 people dead. The capital Port au Prince has been completely ruined, with no buildings left standing.
According to cnn.com, "CNN's Anderson Cooper, viewing Port-au-Prince from a helicopter, called the sight of the destroyed buildings in the quake-devastated city "incredibly shocking" and "eerie."
Haiti is in dire need of medical support. There are many options available for those who are willing to donate, even as little as $5. Many local tweeters, along with Dollhouse, are taking the option of texting the word "Yele" to 501501. By doing so, $5 will automatically be charged to your next cellphone bill. That easy.
Please continue to send prayers for our brothers and sisters in Haiti and keep an ear out for ways to help out.
I'm not sure Can I trust anyone? But I do not know why.