A land of raw talent, confidence and opportunity
A land of goals, of polish, and of wishful thinking
Cleveland is the home of many striving artists
In a world where only the real can survive in it
Promoting, Rapping and DJ’ing at its best
Cleveland’s talent is undeniably in a stage at its finest
Models, artists, poets, athletes and so much more, but wait
we have to leave our own land just to gain some support?
Many were made right here in this land
Maturing in the best way that we all know that we can
But right next door, your own neighbor is knocking down your doors
Taking the life out of you and your dreams, putting you on life support?
Competition is at its best, even right down the street
Party promoters trying to be on top, wanting the most money
Not giving a care about whose toes that they cross
As long as the money is coming, their own cousin may be the cost
Local party goers kick it and support your own ish
But when they throw an event, all you wanna do is talk spit
Giving you their dollar and all of their love
But you coming to their event? Yea right, you got me effed up
Bring it down a notch and get off of your horse
Because the ones who support you gave you that Porsche
Remember where you were ten years ago before all of the fame
Most likely, you were that kid in school where people barely remembered your name
Cleveland is full of raw talent, confidence and opportunity
A land of goals, of polish and plenty wishful thinking
Cleveland is OUR home, a place that we all share
And it can be that ATL or NYC if we add an ounce more of support and care
Life is not a competition and with that attitude you will only win a loss
Letting your ego get to you, you will definitely pay the cost to be the boss
Success can be fun but only with those who support you
Money focused mindsets will only get the best of you
Money makes the world go round, but it will not bring a lifetime of happiness
You’ve heard it before, from Diddy, one of Hip Hop’s wealthiest
“It gets lonely at the top” and that’s if we don’t make a change
Recognizing how to really make it while playing this game
You think the game is about the money, the fame and the best rep
The nice clothes, maxed out capacity parties and the whips
Stamping the city with your name, you obviously think that’s hot
But I don’t think that’s the change Barack was talking about
So bring your ego down just a notch or maybe two
Take a step back and see how you really are an influence
Nothing major at all, if you lack that cup of humble iced tea
You think that you’re major, but you’re name wont go down in Cleveland history
Be the change that you want/need Cleveland to be
Support those around you, because you never know where their success may lead
You may need them one day more than they need you now
But if you pull them up with you now, then it won’t be so lonely at the top
By Monisa
I like that Mo
ReplyDeleteMonisa, you've said a lot. I really like the line about Barack. Your thoughts remind me of those of Salome Thomas-El, an educator and author of "I Choose to Stay". He's in Philly doing his thing--giving back to the community. We need to take your last line seriously.