Ok, I tried to like Harlem Heights I really did. After probably the second episode, however, they lost me. I love to see young, ambitious, affluent African Americans on tv. We need those positive images. But for me HH felt more like a boring soap opera than it did "reality television." I'm no fool, I realize most "reality" tv is anything but. But can someone please explain to me what even a semi-reality tv show needs with a wardrobe stylist-the legendary June Ambrose, no less?! We're talking the same woman infamous for putting Missy in that garbage bag suit in her debut video for "I Can't Stand The Rain," and the same woman who has styled the who's who in Black Hollywood. And they have makeup and hair stylist. I may not live in Harlem, but I definitely don't have any of those on speed dial.
And how about that gratuitous product placement? I just watched a character stand in front of a "mirror" (with fabulous lighting) and apply Ambi lotion to her arms with the bottle facing the camera! B.E.T. Has even pulled this on my personal favorite College Hill many times with Dr. Miracle's hair care line (although I choose to believe those kids are too young and dumb to be acting).
Anywho, if B.E.T. wants me, and other boring people with boring lives like me, to keep on watching their programming they've got to step it up. I mean, first it was the cheap production (College Hill 1st season anyone?) and now they've gone the way of MTV with the fakeness that is The Hills (even though I secretly LOVED The City). If they keep this up I may just have to go live my own life... and it's always so much more fun to watch other people make mistakes!
P.S. Brooke was my favorite actress on HH though :)
By Ciara
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